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    Corporate Training



    It is essential for a company to establish effective communication practices in order to foster powerful business relationships. Research showed that the majority of companies consider proper communication ability more valuable than a graduate’s credentials. It was also revealed that 75% of companies consider excellent communication skills as their hiring precondition.

    Effective communication skills are essential for completing any assigned task and when multiple departments or employees collaborate to accomplish an important task, the value of communication skills increases exponentially. However, there are several instances of poor communication at the workplace that can strain the overall productivity of the company.

    Implementation of Corporate Training programs can aid in identifying and resolving communication issues amongst employees. Corporate communication skills influence the interest of employees. English forms the core of all communication practices, whether written or oral and hence it is important for companies to undertake efficient English communication training in order to create a highly interactive and open work environment that encourages creativity and productivity.


    EnglishLabs was launched in 2012 with an intention to address the needs of learners who look forward to enhancing their communication skills. We have initiated a learning website to provide a fillip to Corporate Training as well through comprehensive courses. EnglishLabs works towards honing language skills of ambitious employees and manager as communication inside the work environment has an important role in building up their future in the company. Companies who want to develop communication skills of their personnel can benefit from our business communication modules that are presided by a network of trainers who instruct workforce to interact and correspond effectively at their workplaces.


    In addition to our corporate level programs, we are developing Beginners, Intermediate, and Advanced Level programmes plus IELS course to prepare learners and make them job ready.

    The level will be your first step towards learning to communicate easily in English. You will learn to frame simple sentences by applying basic speech rules. This level will help you expand your vocabulary so you can read and construe texts and sentences in English.

    The basic objective behind learning a language is to gain an ability to communicate actively and fluently with others at college or workplace. This level is specially created for learners who look forward to holding conversations in the English language. We aim to promote better communication capability so that learners can make correct use of grammar and pronunciation and are able to interact readily and with clarity.

    EnglishLabs has set up this level to assist learners who have already finished the above two levels and are seeking to advance their English language skills to superior levels of competence. We will help learners polish their articulation styles and overcome noticeable breaks to naturally speaking English in various situations.


    IELTS course incorporates the four essential branches of communication, that is, Reading, Speaking, Writing, and Listening, which describe the four segments of the course. EnglishLabs offer educational programs besides preparatory programs for general training as a part of IELTS program.


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