How To Improve English Grammar

How To Improve English Grammar

To acquire English grammar skills, we tend to read lots of rules to understand. Why is English grammar crucial for learners, and why do they have difficulty understanding it? Because we are complicating its rules. However, it is easy to understand and simple to learn. 

In this blog, we shall discuss how to improve grammar, English grammar tricks to understand, and tips on how to improve grammar. So, to have a precise understanding of English grammar, you can join Spoken English Course Online at EnglishLabs and equip yourself with the four aspects of the English language like writing, speaking, reading, and listening. Moreover, you can also learn about vocabulary, grammar, tenses, parts of speech, types of pronouns, types of verbs, etc.

How to learn English grammar step by step

Whenever we tend to learn English grammar, we run into multiple sources and confusing things. However, it isn’t easy to understand unless we apprehend its structure. 

Now, we shall discuss how to improve grammar and English grammar tricks in detail.

9 Tips to Enhance Your Grammar Skills


Reading is the best way to improve your reading, writing, and speaking skills. Reading is the best solution to enhance our grammar. Moreover, reading skills will help you understand how the words are organized to form a sentence. For example, if you read books like novels, short stories, comic books, etc., or anything, even a new paper, you will learn lots more things. 

If you learn a short story, you will learn lots of vocabulary, syntax formation, and how tenses are used to form a sentence. Reading will help you with all parts of your writing, from sentence fluency to improved vocabulary and enhancing your grammar.   

However, spend one to two hours reading. While reading a book, look at how apostrophes are used. Apostrophes add lots of meaning to the sentence. For example, in John’s book, the word denotes that the book belongs to John. If you did use apostrophes, then the sentence’s meaning will differ from what you want to convey.

Then note how nouns, verbs, pronouns, adverbs, and adjectives are used in the sentence. For example, adjectives are words that add meaning to the noun. So, look at the words and understand how they are used to describe the sentence. 

Get a grammatical reference book

It is always helpful to have a grammatical reference book. If you have a reference for pronouns, types of adverbs, types of nouns, and tenses. You will have a precise understanding of how words are organized in the sentence. This way, if you have a grammar question, you can easily look up the answer in the manual. There are numerous high-quality grammar and writing reference books available in the market. 

Have the habit of reviewing the grammar books

Always review the fundamental rules of grammar. Revise the parts of speech such as noun, pronoun, adjective, determiner, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection. Do some exercise, take an example quiz, and make a sentence using it. It is the best way to improve English grammar. 

Most importantly, review the errors you have made. It is a crucial thing to be followed. Hence, to improve your grammar skills, write two to three sentences per day. Likewise, you can follow this method in types of adverbs and pronouns. 

Practice Writing

As we mentioned above, writing will help you understand better. Moreover, it helps to memorize lots of things. So, the practice of writing two to three sentences using grammar structure would help you understand better. 

Any student, regardless of age, can benefit from taking extra steps to improve their grammar. Using the strategies above regularly will enhance grammatical abilities dramatically.

Pay attention to commas, homophones, articles, and semicolons

Commas are essential in a sentence because it adds meaning to the sentence. Hence, some say it may appear illogical, yet it is straightforward. A prepositional phrase is a word combination with a preposition as its main component. The prepositional phrase is usually preceded by a preposition followed by a noun or pronoun.

For example

  • Under the desk table, we found her handbag.
  • After a long day of work, Jean loves to spend time with his family.

Comma adds meaning to the sentence. Hence, it is necessary to follow it while writing a sentence.


Homophones are words that have similar words but have a different meaning—a word like (Cell, sell), (ate, eight),(expect, except), etc. knowing the difference would help you understand the meaning of the sentence and also you can use it. 

For example

  • I expect the rain will come today 
  • I accept my mistakes


There are two types of articles in English: definite (the) and indefinite (a/an). Remember that while addressing something in general, a/an is used, and when pointing to something specific, ‘the’ is used. But before the vowels, we must use ‘an’.


  • An hour
  • The red ball
  • Ponz bought a dog


Within a complex sentence, a semicolon can be used to separate two sentences or independent clauses. Semicolons are frequently used in English novels.

For example

I have to attend a conference today: I cannot go out tonight.

Understand the distinction between countable and uncountable nouns

With countable nouns, such as clothes, person, animals, and so on, the English term many are employed. Sugar, star, time, and other uncountable nouns are frequently utilized. Both countable and uncountable nouns are often used in the sentence, but we would not have noticed it. 

Make an effort to expand your vocabulary

Read more books, newspapers, and articles to expand your English vocabulary. Moreover, you might also want to consider enrolling in English courses to improve your various skills. So, join Spoken English Classes in Chennai at EnglishLabs to have a comprehensive understanding of four essential aspects of the English language such as writing, speaking, reading, and reading. 


It is an English grammar trick. Numerous excellent tools are available to help you improve your grammatical skills, both online and in the book. A simple Internet search will turn up many websites with grammatical games and activities. Schedule aside a few minutes each day to practise grammar exercises if you know this is an area where you struggle. Taking a few English practice tests at different levels will help you develop your grammar abilities.


Practising ourselves is the best way to improve our skills. 

Our brain bridged the gap of missing information when we re-read stuff we’ve written. When we proofread, we don’t always spot our errors. Reading what you’ve written out loud, preferably to someone else, is an excellent approach to checking whether you’ve used proper grammar. When you read the information aloud rather than silently to yourself, you will discover your mistakes.

Now, you would have understood how to improve grammar, how to learn English grammar step by step, how to improve grammar, and how to enhance grammar skills. So, join Spoken English Classes in Bangalore at EnglishLabs to have a comprehensive understanding of grammar, pronunciation, syntax, phonemes, usage of commas, etc. If you repeatedly practise those small cues, they will eventually become subconscious. That is our best suggestion.

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