IELTS Speaking Test-10 Tips From Experts

IELTS Speaking Test-Tips From Experts

While preparing for the IELTS, our minds might be overwhelmed by where and how to start. For many of us, preparing for the IELTS might be daunting, but it is not so. IELTS preparation will become easier once we get the proper guideline.

In this blog, we shall quickly discuss the speaking tips for IELTS, how to improve IELTS speaking, and how to practice IELTS speaking.

Before discussing tips for IELTS speaking, we must understand the purpose of the IELST test. The prominent goal of IELST is to test English fluency. Many of us will start to learn advanced vocabulary instead of focusing on spoken English. Among various levels of testing IELTS, the speaking test is most crucial because for writing, reading and listening, you will have time to think and do but in the speaking test, you need to focus on fluency. While you speak during the interview, you will never get for thinking, so focus on improving your speaking skills. Most importantly, remember that IELTS is a test conducted to test your English fluency. 

So, if you intend to enhance your English speaking skills, you can join Spoken English Classes In Chennai, which will help you improve your English speaking skills.

So, focus on IELTS speaking tips and tricks that help you get a high band score. IELTS speaking test format is common for both academics and general. Moreover, before applying for the IELTS test, you need to understand which country you tend to move to and the universities you need to pursue because each university will have its standard band score criteria for the students. 

Now, we shall discuss speaking tips for IELTS:

Part 1

You will speak with an IELTS examiner about yourself for 4 to 5 minutes in Part 1. Possible subjects include:

  • Family
  • Interest
  • Work
  • Hobbies

Part 2

You will be handed a card with a topic for Part 2 of the Speaking test. You can note the subject for one minute before you have two minutes to write your response.

Part 3

The topic from Part 2 will be the subject of a conversation with the IELTS examiner in Part 3, where you will go into greater depth about it. It should take 4 to 5 minutes to complete Part 3.

If you are interested in obtaining a high band score in speaking IELTS, you can join IELTS Coaching Centre in Chennai, which will provide you best speaking tips for IELTS and help you overcome the fear of speaking fluently. 

Tip 1: Don’t memorize answers

As test takers, we might face challenges in speaking with the interviewer. So, many of us would memorize the words and try to use that vocabulary. A test taker who focuses on memorizing the new words cannot speak fluently. While communicating with the interviewer, they focus on using the memorized words throughout the speech but forget the fluency and coherence. 

In the IELST test, the interviewer will focus only on their fluency, syntax formation, coherence and pronunciation. It is also necessary to use advanced vocabulary but with appropriate words in the sentence. 

So, if you practice memorizing the words, it will affect your band core. 

Tip 2: Don’t use big and unfamiliar words

Another big mistake we made in the interview was trying to use advanced and complex words. Though advanced vocabulary is essential, dont focus much on implementing it while speaking. So, the usage of advanced vocabulary must be natural and flow in the sentence. 

To be smart, stay away from unfamiliar words. 

Making blunders by mispronouncing words or utilizing them incorrectly in context increases the likelihood of making mistakes. Mistakes may impact your final band score.

Use various words you are familiar with that are pertinent to the conversation. Consider the themes in Tip 10 and create vocabulary lists or mind maps to aid in your learning of more terms and phrases associated with these subject areas.

To enhance your speaking fluency, you can join  IELTS Coaching Centre In Velachery at EnglishLabs, which will help you understand tips for IELTS speaking and how to improve IELTS speaking.

Tip 3: Use grammatical structures

IELTS test takers’ speaking abilities are evaluated based on the following standards:

  • Fluency and coherence
  • Lexical resource
  • Grammatical range and accuracy
  • Pronunciation

Try employing complicated and simple sentences with various grammatical structures to communicate what you want to say. The IELTS test focuses on the grammatical formation of the sentence, so before attending the interview, evaluate yourself by recording your speech. 

Recognize your mistakes when speaking English to friends or when you record yourself to see if you can detect them. Make sure to correct yourself if you hear a mistake. 

It is crucial to practise speaking in the past, present, and future tenses since your proficiency with various grammatical structures will be evaluated.

Tip 4: Don’t worry about your accent

Many of us might focus on accent, but it is not a must in IELTS. The interview will evaluate your speaking skill and syntax formations. Unlike an AI computer, the IELTS examiner can understand a wide range of accents; therefore, they will be able to comprehend what you say. There is nothing to be concerned about if you are a good communicator. 

However, remember that the English language is based on its sounds and intonation, so be mindful of any consonants you have trouble pronouncing and how you employ emphasis and intonation. Practice speaking with friends, who will let you know if they don’t understand you.

Tip 5: Pause to think

It won’t hurt to pause for a while to gather your thoughts. 

To answer questions, you can take your own time, but it not be a long break or stammer in the middle. 

During the Speaking test, you can utilize statements to give yourself time to think:

  • What an intriguing question!
  • I’ve never considered that, but let me see
  • It’s a valid point.
  • It’s a challenging question, but I’ll do my best to respond.
  • However, I believe…
  • Let me consider that for a moment.

Tip 6: Avoid using fillers

While communicating with the interviewees, avoid using filler because it reduces your band score. Always remember that IELTS is a proficiency test. So, dont dump yourself with lots of words and points. Instead, you can speak slowly and use common and understandable words. This helps the interviewers to understand you properly and 

Speak with assurance and steer clear of unnecessary words. We frequently use fillers when we don’t know what to say, but doing so reveals to the interviewer that we lack the basic vocabulary or concepts. Instead, utilise the sentences we provided in Tip 5 instead.

Avoid the following fillers:

  • Like
  • You know
  • Umm…
  • Ahh…
  • Ehh…
  • Well
  • Yeah…

You can join IELTS Classes In T Nagar to enhance your speaking skills, which will help you improve your pronunciation and get a high-band score.

Tip 7: Develop your responses

Do your best to respond fully to the examiner’s queries. Don’t wait for the examiner to ask a question; continue talking once you’ve finished your answer. 

Short responses indicate to the examiner that you cannot discuss a subject in-depth. 

When the examiner asks “Why?” they encourage you to provide a justification for your response and elaborate further.

Tip 8: Don’t speak monotonously

When you speak, our voices can be a flat, monotone quality to them with little difference. This makes it harder to communicate what you say and for the audience to understand what portions of your message are crucial. Speaking with the IELTS examiner can be more interesting by emphasizing specific words and pausing at key points in your speech. By putting more emphasis on crucial terms, we may more easily compare and contrast ideas. Additionally, it improves discussion flow, so keep this in mind:

  • Don’t speak monotonously.
  • To emphasize a point, change the stress and intonation.
  • Make gestures with your hands to keep the dialogue flowing.

Tip 9: A smile makes pronunciation easier

A smile can help you relax, which will improve your pronunciation. Maintain the same tonality throughout the conversation. Maintaining tonality will make the interviewer understand clearly. The examiner will tell you that you can employ a variety of pronunciation qualities if you use clear intonation and pitch.

Tip 10: Practice IELTS topics

Practice makes perfect. So, while preparing for the IELTS speaking test, you must practice speaking well and follow the above-mentioned tips. 

You must speak for around two minutes on a predetermined topic as part of IELTS Speaking Task 2. So, before attending the IELST test, prepare for these topics with your friends, family, or coworkers. The topics such as:

  • Tourism and travel
  • Advertising and retail
  • Environment
  • Sport and recreation

Moreover, you can also focus on the topics such as:

  • Education
  • Transport
  • Family life
  • Crime and punishment
  • The Internet

Now, you would have a profound understanding of how to prepare for IELTS. So, if you are interested in taking a high band score, you can join IELTS Coaching In Chennai Anna Nagar, which covers four main aspects English language such as writing, speaking, listening and reading.

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